Patient Scheduling

Patient scheduling is as simple as dragging and dropping a Patiend ID onto the schedule. The schedule can be configured to display a single day or multiple days. Choose time slots from 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 60 minutes. Pick days to view using the Month View calendar.


Drag and Drop Simplicity
Schedule Overlapping Appointments
Filter by Doctor or Location or Both
Define Multiple Doctor (each color coded)
Define Multiple Locations
Define Multiple Sub Locations such as Rooms
Define Multiple Appointment Reason Codes
Easily Configure the scheduler view.


Graphically Displays Appointments
Patient Scheduler showing graphical display of appointments. Hovering over an appointment will display the patient name, doctor and location of the appointment.

patientscheduler.gif (9241 bytes)
(Click on image)

Popup Menus to Configure Views
Patient Scheduler Popup Menu from the time bar on the left side of the schedule.

schedulerpopupmenu.gif (10700 bytes)
(Click on image)

Select Doctor, Reason, Location and Sub Location
The appointment window where you can select the doctor, reason, location and sublocation for the appointment. You can also enter in free form notes for each appointment in the edit box at the bottom of the form.

appointmentwindow.gif (6920 bytes)
(Click on image)

Overlap Appointments
Enter in overlapping appointments by simply dragging the appointment to another time slot. The Scheduler will automatically size the appointments to fit the overlap.

scheduleroverlappingappointments.gif (9311 bytes)
(Click on image)

Simple Appointment Sizing by Dragging Mouse
To change the length of an appointment simply hold down the Shift or Control key and drag the top or bottom of the appointment up or down to the desired time.

appointmentsizing.gif (9568 bytes)
(Click on Image)