Astrophotography using a Digital Camera

2005 Astro Images

Machholz (C2004 Q2) Comet (The Fuzzy Thing in the middle)
Imaged for 240sec ISO 200 (Unretouched original photo)
Located using Starry Night Pro on an IBM Thinkpad connected to the Meade LX90 scope. (The easiest way to locate objects in the sky.)

How Don Machholz discovered the Comet
Comet Machholz Page at San Jose AA

Starry Night Pro screen shot when imaged

Combination of the 2 images below

Prime Focus
1/400 sec / ISO 200

Prime Focus
1/400 sec / ISO 200

Orion Nebula
30 sec / 1600
Nikon D70 Prime Focus

Star Cluster
30 sec / ISO 1600
Nikon D70 Prime Focus

Star Cluster
30 sec / ISO 1600
Nikon D70 Prime Focus

Star Cluster
113 sec / ISO 400
Nikon D70 Prime Focus

Orion Nebula
58 sec / 800
Nikon D70 Prime Focus

Orion Nebula
124 sec / 400
Nikon D70 Prime Focus

Whirlpool Galaxy Middle Left
105 sec / ISO 1600
Nikon D70 Prime Focus

2005 Night Time Images

10 Sec / ISO 800
Nikon D70
01/08/2005 01:31AM

10 Sec / ISO 800 Nikon D70 pic at 1:43AM
10 Sec / ISO 800
Nikon D70
01/08/2005 01:43AM





Olympus C-2500L Digital Camera

Jupiter Saturn Venus
jupiter with moon best color.JPG (217330 bytes)
Jupiter with Moon
saturn.JPG (65971 bytes)
venus.JPG (65217 bytes)

jupiter with moon levels adjusted.JPG (41359 bytes)
Same picture as above but with Image Levels adjusted

saturn levels adjusted.JPG (22984 bytes)
Same picture as above but with Image Levels adjusted


jupiter levels adjusted.JPG (33817 bytes)
Jupiter Image Levels Adjusted


jupiter with GRS.JPG (43991 bytes)
Jupiter with Great Red Spot in upper right corner.


The Telescope is a Meade 8" LX90 Schmidt-Cassegrain 2000mm Focal Length instrument with Autostar controller.

P1010003.JPG (1188664 bytes)            P1010002.JPG (1415028 bytes)

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Last modified: March 02, 2009